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Picture Tools
My tools
jeanluc83 1 01-29-2015 05:38 PM
Picture scratches and scrapes
I can't call it engraving, it's more like scratches and scrapes that I have laid down on my Iphone-6. The only tool used has been a common thumb tack. It makes for sore thumbs and doesn't leave any depth to the scratches.
BMAN212 1 03-10-2015 11:03 AM
Picture Cratex on a hockey puck
Bonding Cratex strip to a hockey puck
JoeJacob 1 07-17-2015 08:00 AM
Picture Inlays 2015
The start of something new, and fun.
Jacques Roux 1 08-07-2015 12:08 PM
Picture Went To CJ Allan's Class
& after 30+ years of Building Custom Harleys I was totally Blown Away , I recommend his class to all it was money well spent I'd do it again in a heartbeat, He is the "Father of Modern Motocyle Engraving " I Used the NitroG20 in his class for a Week & Recommend by CJ as Im waiting for mine as I speak , The Work on this Fourm is Top Shelf & Thankyou for letting me be a part , now I'm gonna try and put up my 1st piece at CJ Allan's
Phil H 1 08-26-2015 09:42 PM
Picture vmax tail
On aluminium
The peach 1 11-09-2015 02:54 AM
Picture Art deco - black and white
Veronika Tesarikova 1 12-01-2015 04:14 AM
Picture slippery when wet
brass pen for my son.
papart1 1 06-23-2016 04:22 PM
Picture Pratice engraving
Anderson 1 08-21-2016 09:59 AM
Picture trench cut
ready for flat graver I think........pretty even all the way around.
papart1 1 10-26-2016 01:45 PM
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