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  Album Title Owner Pictures Reverse Sort Order Last Picture
Picture A smattering of Jeffrey's jewelry work - very little engraving
A real smorgasbord of images. Included are some renders that were actually made into jewelry but not photographed. Some are from scanned 20 year old photographs. Honest, they look better in person :)
Images of engraved pieces will be uploaded as they are finished, that's after the airgraver arrives...
Jeffrey 32 05-06-2011 09:56 AM
Picture Albom
Silver, gold
Zahar 32 12-24-2017 01:30 AM
Picture Grabados Dimas
Coleccion de Grabados con buril,
Dimas 31 07-19-2015 10:20 AM
Picture Knife Engravings
Engravings on knives
Steve Lindsay 30 01-30-2009 07:13 PM
Picture color engraving
Herman Knives 30 04-25-2009 03:04 AM
Picture Jim Small's Photo Album
Photos of engraving projects.....
Jim Small 30 11-12-2012 04:00 PM
Picture Roland Baptiste Engraver
rbaptiste 30 05-21-2011 09:05 AM
Picture wood carving
My web: www.carvingdreamsinwood.com
Uri Misrachi 30 04-18-2021 05:01 PM
Picture Vladimir Lomov
vladlom 30 02-08-2013 11:52 PM
Picture Hand Engraved Rings
Handcrafted and Hand Hand Engraved Rings 92.5
d2djewelry 30 04-05-2010 09:30 AM
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