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Picture A pair of USFA Rodeos. Critique is welcome. How else will I get better?
These are a pair of USFA Rodeo pistols. The steel was WONDERFUL to cut.
DSmalley 3 03-14-2013 02:47 AM
Picture A pair of original 1873 Winchester Rifles done in Nimschke style
This was a commission for a pair of 1873 WInchester rifles. The pattern is L.D. Nimschke from the "Aldridge" rifle. The receivers were pretty pitted but engraving them probably helped preserve these rifles. The steel was a dream to cut. Please post critique or comments.
DSmalley 2 06-02-2013 12:08 AM
Picture 1911 Stainless Remington R1S Please Critique!
My first 1911. Yes the rear of the slide is a copy of someone else's work but I liked it so much. The rest came out of my head, so please let me know what I can do better. Tough to do a lot of shading in the allotted time period on the piece.
DSmalley 8 06-13-2013 11:03 PM
Picture 1911 In a Wilbur Glahn style PLEASE CRITIQUE
How will I get any better unless someone with more experience points out the places to improve.
DSmalley 2 12-24-2014 12:24 AM
Picture My engraving - 1st year
My engraving projects and practice 1st year of engraving.
dtranstrom 3 03-03-2018 03:49 PM
Picture My engraving
This is some of my work
Duke Leblanc 3 07-18-2016 08:09 PM
  Carved Stuff
dweikum 0 None
  A gift to some helpful friends
only engraving since Dec 2018, My wife died 20 months ago and this small co. in Israel that I deal with buying Custom Guitars have been just so great in helping me cope so I thought that I would try and create a little keep sake of our relationship, its very simple but I feel it is best this way. I've already spotted many mistakes and know why they happened. any criticism would be appreciated
EdGrabow 0 None
Picture inceptive
1 year ago I do! Opinions please.
edmond 28 01-26-2016 10:10 AM
Picture my first gun
ELeasure 4 02-04-2009 12:07 AM
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