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  Album Title Owner Pictures Reverse Sort Order Last Picture
Picture Some work of James Miller FIPG.
A selection of my work, all unique pieces made from gold and silver and hard fired enamels. I am the goldsmith and cannot take credit for the enamelling.The sweet bowl sets show patterning cut with a Rose engine turning machine,
James Miller FIPG 40 08-08-2010 03:16 AM
Picture Hand made by Fozola
Fozola 40 06-02-2011 06:28 AM
Picture Mike Dubber, Photos
MikeDubber 40 11-06-2024 10:48 AM
Picture jewelry by Todd
cabanaboy 39 11-20-2013 07:29 PM
Picture Engraved guns
joseph engraver 38 02-27-2009 08:08 AM
Picture Some of my work.
I might not go with the flow with my engraving style, but I enjoy my work and like how I do it.
Tom Hudson 38 05-04-2011 09:59 PM
Picture Art in Various Media
Various 2 and 3 dimensional efforts
Bob in SF 38 04-23-2014 10:31 AM
Picture Custom Banjos
Misc metal and pearl engraving and wood carving photos of banjos I've built or done work on.
GSCarson1 36 11-03-2016 02:15 PM
Picture knives
Some of my engrave knives.
arqueroalpha 36 01-07-2019 08:38 AM
Picture my engravings
lucabraschi 35 11-21-2016 04:06 AM
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