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Old 05-08-2010, 05:03 AM
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Turtle Turtle is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: West Yellowstone Montana
Posts: 89
Default Re: Looking for help from Jewelers. Repair gone bad!!

I sent out the turquoise yesterday for its journey to Florida. I talked to the owner yesterday afternoon and told him what I was planning and he has insited on paying for the new stone. I told him "no way am I going to have you pay for my mistakes". He still insisted. So we came to an agreement to go in halfs. I would rather pay for it in it's entireity but he is just too nice of a guy. I don't think I could have gone on like nothing was wrong and not told him what walls I was butting up against. Its not in my blood to hide mistakes. I'm not very good at looking someone in the eye and telling them something else besides the truth.... So I have a question bout backing? I was taught to put thin layered cardbord paper behind the stone.. Is there a big difference between cardboard and sawdust? Or is it just a preference?
One Scratch at a Time.
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